I used to travel alone - Penang- PJ - Penang.
And I love it a lot!
I would drive alone....ride the bus alone.
Cherished each moment alone with the radio blasting and grasping the scenery.
Allah is Great.
Last week I had a course at Bukit Jawi Golf Resort.
Hence , I took the ooportunity to drive ALONE.
Many were surprise to know that I drove all the way from PJ.
Most of them travelled in pairs [ atleast ]
During these journeys alone,
I would also think about everything.
My life , my family , my students [ ex-students] ...
Many things could be solved when you set a side an hour or two [ in my case 4!]
to think about all the things that you need to.
Seldom would I feel sad or irritated while I drive these highways.
And yes , last week's journey was a much needed one!
I managed to reflect on all the things that have been bothering me since my last long journey alone.
It is different from those time spent on the road - to and from work.
It was like back to school for me.
Had fun!
This picture was taken at Balik Pulau - 715am.
I was on my way to MRSM Balik Pulau to meet my fellow friends.
I took this picture as I was driving along the main road of Masjid Negeri in Penang.
This Aunty was cycling like she owns the road.
hahahahah but mind you - that is a MOCHINO backpack!
Hahahah! TWO ULTRAMEN are placed at this Kindie!
To attract the toddlers to go to school.
Only in Penang?
Bukit Jambul.
p/s : I had to pass through 3 massive traffic jams on the way back to PJ.
FlyFM was playing the Ultimate Malay Karoke Song.
I sang along while holding my hp as a microphone.
Then I realised that I had a car full of audience on my right!
Well , I think you can figure out the rest.

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