If you are curious and you have been reading my blog ,
I am proudly saying that
"I have secured an appointment with my doctor for next Wednesday"
Back to the hospital and treatments.
Wonder how it is going to be like this time.
It has been a year I think since my last appointment with her.
I have this strong feeling that she is going to change my meds.
Must remind myself to wear a sweater coz it is going to be freezing cold at the waiting room.
I can still remember when I slept on the couch - very cozy but too cold!
But I feel kinda hurt when someone took advantage of my insecurity and low self esteem to prove a point today.
Money is the root of all evils.
We can loose family, relatives , friends and all because of money.
Yes, now I realise that I was used by them and now they are using my depression against me.
But I am grateful that I am out from that group.
I can go mad if I stayed on.
Simply because I can not keep up with their hypocrisy , bitterness and anger toward other
who are not on the same wave length as theirs.
How they could twist stories just to make the moment HOTTER and gossips JUICIER baffled me.
And yes they badmouth behind each others' back.
They ridiculed and make fun of my weaknessess.
Friends are suppose to help to bring the best out of each other.
Not to make each other look back and use backstabbing as a method to bond with one another.
They have many supporters because they did not give people a chance to get to know me better.
When I write entries about my battle with depression , it is not because I need people to have pity on me.
But the real reason is to make others aware of how a depressed person [DP] thinks.
And how to help a DP ,
because not all DP would reveal their depression.
Our self-esteem is very low and yes we are very fragile.
Put aside the reason why that person is depressed ,
but find out ways on how to help that person instead.
A DP will make all sorts of mistakes when they are recovering.
Only those who are really sincere to help a DP
also those who love them would be there till the recovery is successful.
Because the road to recovery might take months and even years.
You see, anybody can be depressed - for all sorts of reason.
- Migraine non stop for 3 months-
- Being bullied at work -
-Hate their job -
and the list goes on....
I am very grateful to these people :-
| Hubby Ali | Parents | Siblings | Tata & Arissa | Nieces & Nephews | Cousins | Aunties | MIL
| Kak Nina Nazri | Anie | Nani | Fiza & Niza | Kak Anisah & Rosmaliza | Sherry & Muna
| Ex-students |
| Iesha | Kitty | Copy | Jinggo | Coco | Snowy | Apple | Ecky |
Some have been supporting me since 2007 - yes it has been that long.
Thank You So Much -
I really do not know how to repay your kindness and also for being patient with my conundrums.

I am proudly saying that
"I have secured an appointment with my doctor for next Wednesday"
Back to the hospital and treatments.
Wonder how it is going to be like this time.
It has been a year I think since my last appointment with her.
I have this strong feeling that she is going to change my meds.
Must remind myself to wear a sweater coz it is going to be freezing cold at the waiting room.
I can still remember when I slept on the couch - very cozy but too cold!
But I feel kinda hurt when someone took advantage of my insecurity and low self esteem to prove a point today.
Money is the root of all evils.
We can loose family, relatives , friends and all because of money.
Yes, now I realise that I was used by them and now they are using my depression against me.
But I am grateful that I am out from that group.
I can go mad if I stayed on.
Simply because I can not keep up with their hypocrisy , bitterness and anger toward other
who are not on the same wave length as theirs.
How they could twist stories just to make the moment HOTTER and gossips JUICIER baffled me.
And yes they badmouth behind each others' back.
They ridiculed and make fun of my weaknessess.
Friends are suppose to help to bring the best out of each other.
Not to make each other look back and use backstabbing as a method to bond with one another.
They have many supporters because they did not give people a chance to get to know me better.
When I write entries about my battle with depression , it is not because I need people to have pity on me.
But the real reason is to make others aware of how a depressed person [DP] thinks.
And how to help a DP ,
because not all DP would reveal their depression.
Our self-esteem is very low and yes we are very fragile.
Put aside the reason why that person is depressed ,
but find out ways on how to help that person instead.
A DP will make all sorts of mistakes when they are recovering.
Only those who are really sincere to help a DP
also those who love them would be there till the recovery is successful.
Because the road to recovery might take months and even years.
You see, anybody can be depressed - for all sorts of reason.
- Migraine non stop for 3 months-
- Being bullied at work -
-Hate their job -
and the list goes on....
I am very grateful to these people :-
| Hubby Ali | Parents | Siblings | Tata & Arissa | Nieces & Nephews | Cousins | Aunties | MIL
| Kak Nina Nazri | Anie | Nani | Fiza & Niza | Kak Anisah & Rosmaliza | Sherry & Muna
| Ex-students |
| Iesha | Kitty | Copy | Jinggo | Coco | Snowy | Apple | Ecky |
Some have been supporting me since 2007 - yes it has been that long.
Thank You So Much -
I really do not know how to repay your kindness and also for being patient with my conundrums.

ni kat puteri ayu kan siz
Err...Puteri ayu? Yang mana? The picture was taken at a friend's house...
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