At the moment, I am at One Utama.
Sipping Lady in Red by The Obrama Chocolate Lounge.
Hubby Ali is watching a movie with his friend , Idral.
127 Hours.
Some how , I was more interested to window shop.
Unfortunately , with the victory I just achieved last week,
I really needed to treat myself.
Knowing me , I would treat my Hubby Ali too.
1st stop : MPH
Bought a few books [ Including INTERLOCK in English]
2nd stop : Forever 21.
Asked the cashier " Do you accept Diners?"
She gave me the what the s!!! look.
As if I am asking her to pay for me.
A nice lady [ a customer like me ] explained to her , and also she gave her that "ARE YOU STUPID LOOK?"
Hahahahaha...I told the lady , do not bother and walked away.
As I was walking , I heard the lady told the cashier
"itu pon you tak tahu ker?"
3rd stop : Dorothy Perkins.
Found two tops.
MMSed it to Puan Sri and Datin Sri.
Both did not reply.
Hence I walked out empty handed.
4th stop : TOPMAN & TOPSHOP.
Literally grabbed 3 Tshirts and a wallet.
2 Tees for me.
2 Tee and a wallet for Hubby Ali.
5th stop: The Obrama Chocolate Lounge.
I am having the Lady in Red.
Had to choose something less than rm10.
because i suddenly realised that I only have rm10 and some change!
MEMANG SEDAP - Chocolaty and PEDAS!
Imagine that taste.
Cannot? Come la and sip some.
[pics will be uploaded when i get back ya!]
Have an awesome Sunday with family , friends - LOVED ONES!
p/s i think jinggo peed on my jeans!!! - now, when did THAT happen?

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