My Saturday started by picking up Tata.
Then we headed to KD to pick up Yaya.
We went straight to BAK at Gombak for Yaya's wedding dress.
Kak Amy [ the owner of BAK ] made Tata's and my wedding dress.
We trust her workmanship and she is really good!
Tada! This is Kak Nina
[ will write and entry about the yummylicious food I had today!]
p/s Kak Nina gave me a shawl! Me likey - will upload the pic soon!
Muahs! Thank you Kak Nina!

Then we headed to KD to pick up Yaya.
We went straight to BAK at Gombak for Yaya's wedding dress.
Kak Amy [ the owner of BAK ] made Tata's and my wedding dress.
We trust her workmanship and she is really good!
After that we went to an acquaintance's house to return something.
Then to another house to pick up my CBN Annual Dinner group pic and paid my debt.
I drove us to G Tower for some macaroons.
[told you I am addicted to it]
We then went to Maju Junction to buy some things.
We had lunch at Belanga SS Two Mall.
Kak Ngah sent Arrisa to meet us there.
There were a few lion dances and Arissa just loves it so much!
This is a picture of Arissa and Yaya making faces!
After sending Tata, Arissa and Yaya back ,
I went to The Curve to pick up Kak Nina!
We had tea at The Loaf , Bangsar VIIlage.
Tada! This is Kak Nina
[ will write and entry about the yummylicious food I had today!]
p/s Kak Nina gave me a shawl! Me likey - will upload the pic soon!
Muahs! Thank you Kak Nina!

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