[ ♫ Getaran Jiwa - Bittersweet ♫ ]
I have to admit that I have been reading a few blogs regarding the latest news about Malaysian celebrities .
I am guilty.
But then , it made me think about a few things in life.
[ ♫ Gelora Jiwa - Yuna ♫ ]
1. A life of celebrities is filled with drama and suspense.
Yes , it is.
All of their movements are scrutinized bit by bit.
So is a life of a boarding school teacher.
My life was 'watched' by many pair of eyes.
What I wore ,
with whom I interacted with ,
what I did at my desk [ since our department was like a fish tank - glasses as walls!]
The words I used and the way I talked.
These were all observed by colleagues and students , mind you.
My life was not broad casted in the national TV / Radio / newspapers / magazines.
I would not be able to cope with that kind of life.
Conclusion : If I think my life SUCKS -
There are others who are facing more excruciating pain.
[ ♫ Empire State Of Mind - Jay-Z & Alicia Keys ♫ ]
2. Why is it wrong to hug each other [ male & female ] in real life but it is okie in a set?
[ ♫ Adrenalin - Faizal Tahir ♫ ]
3. We need to forgive others who hurt us.
And also seek for forgiveness from those that we have hurt.
One must put ego aside.
Why do you want to carry that burden - the feeling of resentment , everywhere you go?
A waste of brain cells and heartache.
[ this I have to constantly remind myself , if not i would end up having a heart attack on a daily basis ]
[ ♫ Superhero - Faizal Tahir ♫ ]
4. More and more people are committing suicide and murders in Malaysia.
Read an article and watched the news on tv about a lady who literally threw her daughter off the balcony and then committing suicide.
Yes, depression is spreading like flu nowadays.
Do take time to observe your loved ones' daily routine and mood.
You would not want to be guilty for not taking the first step of being aware of him/her having problems.
Sit down and by using a very sincere tone , ask the question.
This needs a lot of patience and also reading.
You need to know how to interact with a depressed person.
Because you would not want to trigger any emotional distress.
[ ♫ Hanyut - Faizal Tahir ♫ ]
5. Twitter is taking over Malaysians.
Hahahahaha - I think most of you already know this.
Celebrities are now using twitter to gain popularity [ bad and good ones ]
I saw / read how a few Malaysian celebrities tried to make a point via Twitter.
Some failed.
Not many have Twitter account.
This is plainly because the timeline is too fast!
You need unlimited access to the Internet to be 'up to date'.
Hence , only those who are in front of the PC / have smart phones yada yada yada.
and expensive hobby! - :P
[ ♫ Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve ♫ ]
[ ♫ Warisan Wanita Terakhir - Noh , Lan & Faizal Tahir ♫ ]
5. Ops! not to forget hashtags in twitter.
#Egypt #Jan25 #ihatequotes #brocodemelayu any many more.
This is the fastest way to know what is happening around the world.
And what other people from different continents are thinking about an issue
[ example- #egypt]
[ ♫ Jezebel - Too Phat ♫ ]
Okie I think that should be enough for now.
Have a great and fun Friday ya people!

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