that i havent had a do you know session in ages
You see, this girl is very bright and hilarious. She would come to the Language Department, armed with jokes and Did you know questions.
It is kinda difficult to be irritated by her presence since she provided such useful information to us teachers back then.
By the way, she has two BFFs : Risha and Aisya.
My , my when these three are together ... the whole department would be filled with laughter.
They had a big fight once. war!!
Anyway, they are one of the reasons why I miss teaching alot.
Nothing can beat real life contact than cyber ones.
Eyshe was a debater , Risha and Aisya were in my Drama Team.
With that combination, I received criticism and dramas when I am around them!
p/s Let us see, are you famous now? hihihih

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