Friday, June 25, 2010

Why Mars & Venus Collide?

Currently reading this book.
Bought it for rm18 at Amcorp Mall.
Let us take a look ya!

Pada abad modern yang semakin sibuk dan rumit ini banyak menimbulkan
 stres dan kelelahan, yang membuat Mars (pria) dan Venus (wanita) bisa berbenturan. 
Sayangnya, respons Mars dan Venus terhadap stres sangat berbeda.
Pria cenderung berpaling, menjaga jarak, dan melupakan masalah mereka,
sementara wanita terdorong untuk mendekat, mengajukan pertanyaan, dan berbagi masalah.
Perbedaan sederhana ini bisa sangat mengganggu hubungan jika tidak diapresiasi dan dihargai.

Dengan pengalamannya di dunia internasional sebagai ahli hubungan pria-wanita, dalam buku ini Dr. Gray memberikan teknik untuk menghentikan percekcokan sebelum menjadi masalah yang menyakitkan.
Dia juga mengajarkan cara menciptakan Obrolan Venus sebagai suatu ritual dalam kehidupan kaum wanita,
yang akan menjadikan makhluk Venus rileks dan makhluk Mars merasa berhasil dengan usaha yang minimal.
Dengan membaca uraian yang jelas dan menarik dalam buku ini,
akan muncul pemahaman baru dan saling pengertian bahwa perbedaan yang ada justru malah dapat memperindah hubungan.


Why Mars and Venus Collide:
Improving Relationships by Understanding How Men and Women Cope Differently with Stress

Once upon a time, Martians and Venusians functioned in separate worlds.
But in today's hectic and career-oriented environment,
relationships have become a lot more complicated, and men and women are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress.
To add to the increasing tension, most men and women are also completely unaware that they are actually hardwired to react differently to the stress.
It's a common scenario:
a husband returns home from work stressed out and eager to kick back on the couch and watch television.
A wife returns home from work stressed out and wants to talk about it with her husband. What happens?
Neither is on the same page, anger and resentment set in, and Mars and Venus collide. Using his signature insight that has helped millions of couples transform their relationships, John Gray once again arms the inhabitants of Mars and Venus with information that will help them live harmoniously ever after.
In Why Mars and Venus Collide , Gray focuses on the ways that men and women misinterpret and mismanage the stress in their daily lives, and how these reactions ultimately affect their relationships.
"It's not that he's just not into you; he needs to fulfill a biological need," Gray explains.
"And it's not that she wants to henpeck you; she also has a biological drive."
 He shows, for instance,
how a husband's withdrawal is actually a natural way for him to replenish his depleted testosterone levels and restore his well-being,
and how a woman's need for conversation and support helps her build her own stress-reducing hormone, oxytocin.
Backed up by groundbreaking scientific research,
Gray offers a clear,
easy-to-understand program to bridge the gap between the two planets, providing effective communication strategies that will actually lower stress levels.
Whether in a relationship or single,
this book will help both men and women understand their new roles in a modern,
work-oriented society,
and allow them to discover a variety of new and practical ways to create a lifetime of love and harmony.

Click to look inside



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