Yup it is already 23 months since i became a wifey to my high school crush - Mr. Mohd Ali Omar.
And yesterday we had a long talk.
It is true when they say that when a misunderstanding occurs in a relationship - the couple should sit and talk about it. [ not shout at each other! - sit and talk senses]
So that was what we did last night. 2 solid hours of comparing , suggesting and finally found a few solutions to our problem.
Even though we were brought up in KL/PJ , our family cultures totally differs.
It is kinda difficult to find similarities in both of our families. [ apart from having the same silverware and what not ]
You see the biggest difference with my Mother and my Mother-in-Law(MIL) is that - when it comes to kenduri [ those in different states ] , my mom would opt out while my MIL would - LET's Go!. Hihihihihi...
Sometimes, we end up going to different Kenduri - Me with my parents and Ali with my MIL. SERIOUS!!
Next would be the vollume - with my family , you can hardly hear what we say but with Ali's family , err no comment.
And the list goes on and on and on ...
There are times when i feel like choking my hubby to his senses. [ i bet he feels the same way too ]
Whatever it is - talk to each other.
p/s In our case - we had kitty sleeping here and there in our room , was kinda hard to be serious when kitty gave us weird posses.

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