Sunday, September 19, 2010

XANAX addict..

Let us call a spade a spade shall we?: I have been battling with depression since 2007. Xanax & anti depressions have been my bff for years. Many do not understand that depression can't be cured 100%. it takes a lot of support and patience to be well again. Many just refuses to ignore that i have it. It is a medical condition that can't be a 'pretended to have one' me, u do not want to be in my shoes..nor would u want it to happened to ur loved ones. BUATAN ORG? SAKA?..hmmm...i am not blaming anyone for having it...coz i believe that ALLAH knows best..though out my battle HE showed me who really cares, Who my friends are, How much my family loves me..blood is thicker than water..and the true colours of people around me..the smiles u see on my takes a lot of courage to do so..people have been labelling me and calling me names. Most of them just refuses to realise that sometimes, they are the ones who triggers my depression. They are the ones u caused my depression to be so 'incurable'.It is 730am. Took 2 Xanaxs..i need to sleep the whole day...i need to be free..

Murung penyakit kronik [click here]

“Stigma masyarakat yang mudah melabel pesakit ini sebagai orang gila, sewel atau sakit jiwa selain pengaruh budaya yang menganggap simptom kemurungan sebagai perbuatan sihir, buatan orang atau roh jahat menjadi antara faktor utama ramai enggan atau menangguhkan rawatan,” katanya. [ berita harian ]



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