Friday, April 30, 2010

Guess Who?!

xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jumpa pun!

Cari punya carik dan carik.Akhirnya jumpa la jugak gambar nih.
Gambar ni diambil sebelum pembukaan
Baya nak gi beli barang untuk online shop dia.
Masa tuh Maria 'pregnant'.
Kitaorg gi SOGO for 'lunch'
Rasa nyer nih la detik2 permulaan kisah 4 R Us nih.
So far so good.
Saya doakan agar 4 R Us akan bersama sampai akhir hayat [ chewah!]
Bukan senang nak berkawan lama2 nih.
Sebab susah nak carik orang yang
i) sanggup nak layan kerenah kita,
ii) dengar rintihan hati,
iii) tolong bila kita susah,
iv) nangis bersama,
v) tak sesama dengki

dan yang penting sekalik.


pst! esok lunch bersama...di rumah baya!

xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ah SUdah!

My dear friend Tengku Sharmizi recommended this pulak!

Hihihihi, entah la...
Baya nyer pasal la nih...
Anyway , sajer usik Baya this week.
Dia beli camera, i pun nak beli la.
Then pics dalam blog dia ada watermark.
I pon nak jugak.
Hahahaha..Baya, baya....have a great day today tau...jgn marah2 i!

xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

Friday, April 16, 2010

Nak ni..

Hihihihi, naughty me. Remember yesterday's wishlist?
Well i forgot to include this.
I was away from work for 2 whole months
due to my migraine which lead to stress and straight to depression.
[ i am not shy to admit because my experience benifits others]
I have been eyeing on this bag for quite sometime.
without fail for two months straight,
I would treat myself by buying this bag.
Currently i am negotiating with Miss C .
Yes I am bag addict.
It used to be any bags
but, now i am hooked with COACH.
It all started with Iza's blog.
She sells affordable desinger bags.
Keeping my fingers crossed!

xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

Surah Yassin.

Cara membaca Surah Yassin dgn betul sewaktu seseorang menghadapi SakaratulMaut.

Surau Darussaadah di Keramat Permai telah mengadakan ceramah umum mengenai Isra' Mikraj oleh Ustaz Abdullah Mahmud.
Berikut adalah sedikit sebanyak intipati ceramah yang ingin saya kongsi bersama rakan2 sekalian:-

Menurut Ustaz, masyarakat Melayu telah lama buat salah dalam 'membantu' seseorang menghadapi sakaratul maut.

Menjadi kebiasaan, kita akan mengelilingi orang yang tengah nazak dengan masing2 membaca surah Yasin, dengan bacaan yang tersendiri dan bermacam2 ragam (setengah dengan tartil, setengah bacaan laju).

Perbuatan sebegini akan menjadikan orang yang tengah nazak merasa lebih kelam kabut (kerana menurut ustaz sebelum datangnya kematian, kita 'disibukkan' dengan segala gambaran perbuatan kita di dunia)..

Kaedah yang sepatutnya diamalkan ialah:-

i. Lantik seorang yang bacaan Alquran nya baik (dari segi tajwid) untuk membaca surah Yasin - yang lain2 boleh bersama2 semak.

ii. Sebaik2 orang yang dilantik itu adalah anak ataupun saudara terdekat yang mempunyai perasaan kasih pada orang yang tengah nazak.

iii. Merenung wajah orang tengah nazak sebelum surah Yasin dibaca untuk menimbulkan rasa belas kasihan dan mudah2an surah yang dibaca boleh membantu pencabutan nyawa beliau.

iv. Membaca 3 hingga 4 kalimah Surah Yasin, berhenti, dan menolong (menuntun) beliau untuk melafaz "Laa ila ha illallah".

v. Kemudian menyambung semula bacaan, baca 3 hingga 4 kalimah, berhenti lagi, dan menolong beliau mengucap "Laa ila haillallah" lagi.

vi. Diteruskan sehingga lah beliau menghembuskan nafas yang terakhir.

Semoga ini dapat meningkatkan lagi ilmu pengetahuan kita dalam 'membantu' saudara mara atau mak ayah kita dalam menghadapi sakaratul maut.
Dan semoga kita mendapat segala rahmat serta hidayah NYA dlm membuat amal kebajikan dengan cara yang betul bukan semata2 melalui ikutan adat.


xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

Thursday, April 15, 2010

2010 Wishlist

This is my wish list for 2010.
Thinking of ways on how to cut on my daily expenses so that i can grab these babies soon.
Any suggestions on how to save up faster than i spend?

Boots -->
Coach Bag -->
Marc Jacobs purse-->
Fossil watch -->
Mar Jacobs Faridah Turnlock -->

xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Helping a grieving person

Tip1 : Listen with compassion

Almost everyone worries about what to say to people who are grieving.
But knowing how to listen is much more important.
well-meaning people avoid talking about the death or mentioning the deceased person.
the bereaved need to feel that their loss is acknowledged,
it’s not too terrible to talk about, and their loved one won’t be forgotten.

While you should never try to force someone to open up,
it’s important to let the bereaved know they have permission to talk about the loss.
Talk candidly about the person who died
and don’t steer away from the subject if the deceased’s name comes up.
When it seems appropriate, ask sensitive questions – without being nosy – that invite the grieving person to openly express his or her feelings.
Try simply asking, “Do you feel like talking?”

Accept and acknowledge all feelings.
Let the grieving person know that it’s okay to cry in front of you, to get angry, or to break down. Don’t try to reason with them over how they should or shouldn’t feel.
The bereaved should feel
free to express their feelings, without fear of judgment, argument, or criticism.

Be willing to sit in silence.
Don’t press if the grieving person doesn’t feel like talking.
You can offer comfort and support with your silent presence.
If you can’t think of something to say,
just offer eye contact, a squeeze of the hand, or a reassuring hug.

Let the bereaved talk about how their loved one died.
People who are grieving may need to tell the story over and over again,
sometimes in minute detail.
Be patient.
Repeating the story is a way of processing and accepting the death.
With each retelling, the pain lessens.

Offer comfort and reassurance without minimizing the loss.
Tell the bereaved that what they’re feeling is okay.
If you’ve gone through a similar loss, share your own experience if you think it would help. However,
don’t give unsolicited advice, claim to “know” what the person is feeling,
or compare your grief to theirs.

Comments to avoid when comforting the bereaved "I know how you feel."
One can never know how another may feel.
You could, instead, ask your friend to tell you how he or she feels.
"It's part of God's plan."
This phrase can make people angry and they often respond with,
"What plan? Nobody told me about any plan."
"Look at what you have to be thankful for."
They know they have things to be thankful for, but right now they are not important.
"He's in a better place now."
The bereaved may or may not believe this. Keep your beliefs to yourself unless asked.
"This is behind you now; it's time to get on with your life."
Sometimes the bereaved are resistant to getting on with because they feel this means "forgetting" their loved one.
In addition, moving on is easier said than done.
Grief has a mind of its own and works at its own pace.
Statements that begin with "You should" or "You will."
These statements are too directive.
Instead you could begin your comments with:
"Have you thought about. . ." or "You might. . ."
Source: American Hospice Foundation

Tip 2: Offer practical assistance

It is difficult for many grieving people to ask for help.
They might feel guilty about receiving so much attention,
fear being a burden, or be too depressed to reach out.
You can make it easier for them by making specific suggestions
– such as,
“I’m going to the market this afternoon.
What can I bring you from there?”
“I’ve made beef stew for dinner.
When can I come by and bring you some?”

Consistency is very helpful, if you can manage it
– being there for as long as it takes.
This helps the grieving person look forward to your attentiveness
without having to make the additional effort of asking again and again.
You can also convey an open invitation by saying,
“Let me know what I can do,”
which may make a grieving person feel more comfortable about asking for help.
But keep in mind that the bereaved may not have the energy
or motivation to call you when they need something,
so it’s better if you take the initiative to check in.

Be the one who takes the initiative
There are many practical ways you can help a grieving person.
  • You can offer to:

    Shop for groceries or run errands
    Drop off a casserole or other type of food
    Help with funeral arrangements
    Stay in their home to take phone calls and receive guests
    Help with insurance forms or bills
    Take care of housework, such as cleaning or laundry
    Watch their children or pick them up from school
    Drive them wherever they need to go
    Look after their pets
    Go with them to a support group meeting
    Accompany them on a walk
    Take them to lunch or a movie
    Share an enjoyable activity (game, puzzle, art project)
Tip 3: Provide ongoing support

Grieving continues long after the funeral is over
and the cards and flowers have stopped.
The length of the grieving process varies from person to person.
But in general, grief lasts much longer than most people expect.
Your bereaved friend or family member may need your support for months or even years.

Continue your support over the long haul.
Stay in touch with the grieving person,
periodically checking in,
dropping by,
or sending letters or cards.
Your support is more valuable than ever once the funeral is over,
the other mourners are gone, and the initial shock of the loss has worn off.

Don’t make assumptions based on outward appearances.
The bereaved person may look fine on the outside,
while inside he or she is suffering.
Avoid saying things like “You are so strong” or “You look so well.”
This puts pressure on the person to keep up appearances and to hide his or her true feelings.

The pain of bereavement may never fully heal.
Be sensitive to the fact that life may never feel the same.
You don’t “get over” the death of a loved one.
The bereaved person may learn to accept the loss.
The pain may lessen in intensity over time.
But the sadness may never completely go away.

Offer extra support on special days.
Certain times and days of the year will be particularly hard
for your grieving friend or family member.
Holidays, family milestones, birthdays, and anniversaries often reawaken grief.
Be sensitive on these occasions.
Let the bereaved person know that you’re there for whatever he or she needs.

Tip 4: Watch for warning signs

It’s common for a grieving person to feel depressed, confused,
disconnected from others,
or like they’re going crazy.
But if the bereaved person’s symptoms don’t gradually start to fade
– or they get worse with time –
this may be a sign that normal grief has evolved into a more serious problem,
such as clinical depression.

Encourage the grieving person to seek professional help
if you observe any of the following warning signs after the initial grieving period
especially if it’s been over two months since the death.

Difficulty functioning in daily life
Extreme focus on the death
Excessive bitterness, anger, or guilt
Neglecting personal hygiene
Alcohol or drug abuse
Inability to enjoy life
Withdrawing from others
Constant feelings of hopelessness
Talking about dying or suicide

It can be tricky to bring up your concerns to the bereaved person.
You don’t want to perceived as invasive.
Instead of telling the person what to do, try stating your own feelings:
“I am troubled by the fact that you aren’t sleeping –
perhaps you should look into getting help.”

Take talk of suicide very seriously

If a grieving friend or family member talks about suicide,
get professional help right away.

To learn more about the warning signs, see Understanding and Helping the Suicidal Person.

Supporting a child through grief and bereavement
Even very young children feel the pain of bereavement,
but they learn how to express their grief by watching the adults around them.
After a loss
– particularly of a sibling or parent –
children need support, stability, and honesty.
They may also need extra reassurance that they will be cared for and kept safe.
As an adult,
you can support children through the grieving process by demonstrating
that it’s okay to be sad and helping them make sense of the loss.

Answer any questions the child may have as truthfully as you can.
Use very simple, honest, and concrete terms when explaining death to a child.
Children, especially young children,
may blame themselves for what happened and the truth helps them see they are not at fault.

Open communication will smooth the way for a child to express distressing feelings.
Because children often express themselves through stories, games and artwork,
encourage this self-expression, and look for clues in those activities about how they are coping.

How to help a grieving child:
Allow your child, however young, to attend the funeral if he or she wants to.
Convey your spiritual values about life and death, or pray with your child.
Meet regularly as a family to find out how everyone is coping.
Help children find ways to symbolize and memorialize the deceased person.
Keep your child’s daily routine as normal as possible.
Pay attention to the way a child plays;
this can be one of a child’s primary ways of communicating.

What not to do:
Don’t force a child to publicly mourn if he or she doesn’t want to.
Don’t give false or confusing messages, like “Grandma is sleeping now.”
Don’t tell a child to stop crying because others might get upset.
Don’t try to shield a child from the loss.
Children pick up on much more than adults realize.
Including them in the grieving process will help them adapt and heal.
Don’t stifle your tears;
By crying in front of your child,
you send the message that it’s okay for him or her to express feelings, too.
Do not turn your child into your personal confidante;
rely on another adult or a support group instead.

Source --- >

xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

What to Say to Someone Who is Grieving

What do you say to someone whose life comes crashing down around them; whose life, as they knew it, is forever and profoundly changed?

The first thing to really recognize is that when someone experiences the death of a loved one,
the loss is so pervasive,
the pain so excruciating,
that there are no words that will be particularly helpful or meaningful to hear.

You see, grieving is a wholly feeling experience.
The intellectual recognition that someone has died is present inside us immediately,
and is very different from the emotional recognition that someone has died;
really getting that you will never see his face again;
never hear her voice again;
never be able to throw your arms around each other and share a bear hug.

The emotional recognition is a normal,
natural and necessary process we call grieving.

Recognize that people who are grieving the loss of a loved one -
even the death of an elderly person who had a good life and whose death was expected -
are experiencing something that is incomprehensible. I
nexplicable. Unimaginable. Inconsolable.

And in fact, sometimes people say the most stupid things to people who are grieving –
even with the best of intentions.

Don’t Say This to a Grieving Person

There was nothing you could do; you did your best!
Time heals all wounds
You should keep yourself busy; busy hands are happy hands
You still have another child
I know what you’re going through
Make a personal connection to the person who is feeling the agony of a loss. Have the courage to speak the truth about the terribleness of what has happened.

Allow yourself to acknowledge that a loss occurred and someone feels deeply saddened;
think of words that might accurately describe loss, like - terrible, tragic, heartbreaking, sad, nightmare;
be sure to speak from the “I position;”
and whatever you say, keep it simple; and keep it short!

Consider Saying This to a Grieving Person

I can’t imagine how terrible this is for you. You are in my thoughts.
I can only imagine the profound sadness in your heart right now. I am keeping you in my prayers.
There are no words I can say to express my sorrow.
I wish there was something I could say that would lessen the agony you must feel today.

Reflecting the truth of the pain back to those in pain is how you sow the seeds of caring and comfort.

Remember, only You can make it happen!

Source -->

xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Your shoe size is?

my feet is 25.5cm
faces alot of problems when buying shoes.
Malaysian ladies are mostly wear size 5-7.
So obviously, my size 8 is very limited.
taken from :
xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

Friday, April 9, 2010


This information was in The New York Times several weeks ago
as part of their "Spotlight on the Home" series
that highlighted creative and fanciful ways to solve common problems.

1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.

2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.

3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower?
Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror,
it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.

4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds?
Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long.
The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make them flee the area.

5. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool?
Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes,
the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten,
firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite.
Works great on wrinkles too!!!

6. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache?
Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!

7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge?
Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers,
traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation.

8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don't have enough time to polish your shoes?
Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe,
its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.

9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge?
Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!

10. Stressed out and don't have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa?
Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water,
the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber with react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown the reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.

11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints?
Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath,
the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.

12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel?
Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but is won't leave streaks and won't harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.

13. Using a pen and made a mistake?
Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing,
also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat-Ayat Yassin

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 1 - 9 :
Untuk keselamatan diri

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 9 :
Orang jahat tak nampak kita especially orang kafir. Tapi janganlah digunakan utk elak daripada Kastam/polis. Tu dah niat lain.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 12 :
Merupakan Jantung Yaasiin - Rasulullah s.a.w. berharap ayat ini di hafal oleh setiap mukmin dan mukminat.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 13 - 35 :
Mengisahkan orang-orang yang mati syahid.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 22 - 23 :
Untuk menjaga aqidah Memberi hidayah kepada anak.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 29 :
Sebagai amalan untuk mengelakkan diri dari di fitnah dan kejahatan mulut & juga utk digunakan jika kita rasa orang nak fitnah or aniaya kita. Lebih elok selepas baca di semburkan ke muka orang tsbt.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 30 :
Untuk keinsafan - Supaya dapat dipertemukan dengan Allah s.w.t. (harus sentiasa berada dihati - beramal dengannya).

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 32 :
Untuk menginsafkan orang lain supaya menjadi baik.Caranya: Ingat yang segalanya datang dari Allah s.w.t. Kita umat Muhammad & kita orang Islam

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 33 - 35 :
Elok dijadikan amalan bagi sesiapa yang suka bercucuk tanam. Tanaman akan subur

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 36 :
Menerangkan yang kehidupan ataupun kejadian di dunia ini dijadikan berpasang-pasangan. Ayat ini elok diamalkan bagi sesiapa yang belum berkahwin supaya di pertemukan jodoh.Caranya: Baca dan berdoa. Hembus dan sapu pada muka setiap pagi sebelum keluar rumah.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 37 :
Adalah untuk menetapkan aqidah diri sendiri. Hati yang kering akan hidup semula.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 38 :
Mengisahkan yang bulan dan matahari pun sujud pada Allah s.w.t. yang satu.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 39 :
Mengisahkan ilmu falak.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 40 :
Merupakan kenyataan Allah s.w.t. yang satu.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 41 :
Mengisahkan Nabi Noh a.s. naik kapal - Elok di baca sewaktu menaiki kenderaan.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 44 :
Mengisahkan keseronokan hidup di dunia - Di baca untuk dijauhkan fitnah dalam hidup.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 45 - 48 :
Merupakan kedegilan orang kafir kepada Allah s.w.t.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 49 :
Menceritakan hari akhirat dan kehidupannya.Tiupan 1 - Datang dengan tiba-tibaTiupan 11 - HancurTiupan 111 - Semua orang di hidupkan semula dan hadir dipadang Mahsyar.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 50 :
Setiap orang akan dihisap mengikut amalannya.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 58 :
Merupakan salam daripada Allah. Jika rasa sakit kepala, baca dan sapukan ke kepala. Ulang sebanyak 3x.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 76 :
Dibaca untuk mententeramkan diri dari fitnah orang. Dijadikan amalan & jika hati rasa sedih, sebak atau pun kecewa.Sambil pegang dan urut dada, bacalah ayat tsbt.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 78 - 79 :
Dikhaskan untuk sakit urat, tulang dan badan.Untuk doa ayat 78. “dia berkata, Siapakah (yang dapat) menghidupkan tulang belulang padahal telah hancur?. Juga bacalah jika sakit tulang, urat atau tulang patah berikan ayat ini.

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 79 :
Katakanlah, Yang akan menghidupkannya ialah yang menciptakannya pertama kali. Dan Dia Maha Mengetahui tentang segala makhluk.”

Rahsia Kelebihan Ayat 82 :
Untuk Hajat - Jika berhajat sesuatu bacalah 100x.Dibaca pada air dan minum selama 40 hari boleh menjadi penawar.Jika air habis ulang bacaan tsbt sehingga 40 hari.Caranya: Sembahyang Tahajjud (3x) berturut-turut pastu baca pada air 100x & berdoa apa sahaja hajat

xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Harmony-seeking IdealistHarmony-
  • seeking Idealists are characterised by a complex personality and an abundance of thoughts and feelings.
  • They are warm-hearted persons by nature.
  • They are sympathetic and understanding.
  • Harmony-seeking Idealists expect a lot of themselves and of others.
  • They have a strong understanding of human nature and are often very good judges of character. But they are mostly reserved and confide their thoughts and feelings to very few people they trust.
  • They are deeply hurt by rejection or criticism.
  • Harmony-seeking Idealists find conflict situations unpleasant and prefer harmonious relationships.
  • However, if reaching a certain target is very important to them they can assert themselves with a doggedness bordering on obstinacy.
  • Harmony-seeking Idealists have a lively fantasy, often an almost clairvoyant intuition and are often very creative.
  • Once they have tackled a project, they do everything in their power to achieve their goals.
  • In everyday life, they often prove to be excellent problem solvers.
  • They like to get to the root of things and have a natural curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.
  • At the same time, they are practically oriented, well organised and in a position to tackle complex situations in a structured and carefully considered manner.
  • When they concentrate on something, they do so one hundred percent - they often become so immersed in a task that they forget everything else around them.
  • That is the secret of their often very large professional success.
  • As partners, harmony-seeking idealists are loyal and reliable; a permanent relationship is very important to them.
  • They seldom fall in love head over heels nor do they like quick affairs.
  • They sometimes find it very difficult to clearly show their affection although their feelings are deep and sincere.
  • In as far as their circle of friends is concerned, their motto is: less is more!
  • As far as new contacts are concerned, they are approachable to only a limited extent; they prefer to put their energy into just a few, close friendships.
  • Their demands on friends and partners are very high.
  • As they do not like conflicts, they hesitate for some time before raising unsatisfactory issues and, when they do, they make every effort not to hurt anyone as a result.
Adjectives which describe your type: introverted, theoretical, emotional, planning, idealistic, harmony-seeking, understanding, peace-loving, sensitive, quiet, sympathetic, conscientious, dogged, complicated, inconspicuous, warm-hearted, complex, imaginative, inspiring, helpful, demanding, communicative, reserved, vulnerable

xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

Monday, April 5, 2010


Pagi nih kawan kita antar email nih....terkejut gak...ada gambar lagik..
sesiapa yang nak kita k

"Pesakit terakhir yang kami 'tidurkan' ialah bayi berusia 4 bulan.
Bayi tersebut telah disyaki mendapat sawan pada pukul 2 petang tadi.
Beliau sebelum ini sihat dan dijaga oleh pengasuh.
Beliau tidak demam dan tidak batuk serta tidak mempunyai simptom-simptom yang lain..
Itulah kali pertama beliau mendapat sawan.
Sesampai di resus room (red zone),
beliau masih lagi kelihatan mengantuk dan kurang responsif.
Beliau kelihatan pucat
apa yang menakutkan kami ialah
ubun-ubun depan beliau yang timbul dan mencembung (bulging).
Memandangkan beliau tidak demam dan ujian menunjukkan beliau kurang darah (Hb 8g/dl), serta bayi tersebut masih kurang responsif selepas satu jam sawan,
kami mengambil keputusan untuk melakukan CT scan otak ( Brain CT Scan).
Scan otak menunjukkan beliau mengal ami pendarahan otak yang serius,
Acute and Chronic Subdural Bleed with Subarachnoid bleed!
Kali ini ibu bayi tersebut telah pun selamat tiba dari pejabatnya.
Saya bertanyakan lagi sejarah kesihatan bayi tersebut.
Satu-satunya cerita atau sejarah yang relevan ialah
pengasuh bayi tersebut suka menimangnya tinggi-tinggi.
Bayi itu dikatakan sangat suka ditimang. "



SBS merupakan kecederaan otak bayi disebabkan goncangan atau pergerakan kepala yang kuat. Boleh berlaku dalam tempoh sesingkat 5 saat pergerakan yang kuat.
Kecederaan yang serius boleh menyebabkan kecacatan otak yang lama,
serius dan kekal pada bayi..
Ianya berlaku apabila kepala
bayi digoncang atau dihentak dengan objek walaupun objek lembut seperti bantal.
Ada teori mengaitkan dengan pergerakan seperti
menimang bayi,
menaiki buaian
serta memegang bayi ketika seseorang sedang marah atau bergaduh
boleh menyebab berlakunya SBS.
Sebab lain ialah penderaan bayi (child abuse) dan
selalunya mempunyai kesan-kesan penderaan yang lain.

Perkara ini berlaku kerana
kepala bayi mempunyai nisbah yang lebih besar berbanding badan mereka,
leher yang lemah dan struktur otak yang masih belum matang
serta lebih kandungan air berbanding orang dewasa.

Amalan menimang atau menggoncang sering dilakukan oleh penjaga
terutama bila bayi tidak mahu berhenti menangis.
Ada yang menimang bayi kerana untuk menenangkan bayi dan
ada juga melakukannya ketika marah atau penat menjaga bayi.....
( occupational stress ).

Ini bukanlah kes SBS pertama yang saya rawat.
Sebelum ini saya juga pernah merawat seorang bayi di wad kanak-kanak yang mempunyai kecederaan otak yang serius dikhuatiri berpunca daripada menaiki buaian.

1. Jangan sesekali menggoncang bayi anda ketika marah atau untuk bermain.

2. Jangan memegang bayi anda ketika marah.

3. Jikalau anda tidak dapat menenangkan bayi anda, lebih baik anda tinggalkan bayi anda untuk sementara waktu di dalam katil bayi atau kepada orang lain.

4. Minta bantuan orang lain.

Maka, saya sangat berharap agar ibu bapa dan penjaga semua dapat mengambil serius dan peka tentang Baby Shaken Syndrome ini.
Ianya bukanlah kes terpencil malah di
Amerika Syarikat sebanyak 1500 kes dilaporkan setiap tahun.
Mereka juga telah mengharamkan sebarang bentuk alat menggoncang bayi seperti buaian.

xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pagi yang sunyi.

Terjaga sebab dengar LRT lalu. Lantas ku membuka mata sambil menyebut Alhamdulillah.
Hari yang baru harus ku harungi dengan hati yang tenang.
Iesha memanggil ku seperti dia tahu aku sudah sedar dari mimpi-mimpiku.
Setelah melakukan rutin harian, ku menghadap iBook.
Rakan karibku sejak sekolah menghantar SMS. Berita yang disampaikan merisau kan ku. Kemungkinan Demam Denggi?. Kami berbincang apa langkah terbaik yang harus dilakukan.
Ke hospital?atau ke klinik. Tata janji akan memberitahu keputusannya nanti.
Suasana di kawan rumah masih lagik sunyi. Baru jam 1045 pagi.
Jiranku mungkin masih di ulit mimpi seperti suamiku.
xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi

Thursday, April 1, 2010


This is the one only...KITTY!...We adopted her 2 years ago. Apple was sick , so we brought her to the vet. Unfortunately, Apple was too sick & she died. The vet's assistant persuaded us to adopt Kitty. Since we had another cat Ecky, who needed a friend , we happily said yes. Kitty was already around 6 months then. So imagine what we were thinking on our way back home with Kitty. We were hoping that Ecky would accept Kitty with open paws. And HE DID!....but they did not get to spend time together long as Ecky died a few months after that [ yes i know, so many cats have been dying on us ]. Since then, Kitty was the Queen and big sister to our other kittens [ Ali has this tendency to adopt stray cats from Jalan 222/3]. Many cats died. So now the TAIKO is Kitty.
Anyway, here of some candids of Kitty sleeping. She has sime very unique positions.
Loves our bed and carpets alot. Plus Ali's chair! and our lappies and bags.

Yes that is my butt!
xoxo - an average shopaholic bUi


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